Myth of the Titanic Mummy

Titanic in 1912
Among the stories surrounding the sinking of the
luxury liner Titanic in 1912 was a tale about an unlucky mummy
whose curse was as responsible for that accident as that floating
island of ice the tore open the ship's hull. Though the story
had been around for years, it spread rapidly in the wake of
the popularity of the film Titanic. The tale goes something
like this:
In the late 1890's a rich, young Englishman
visiting the archaeological digs near Luxor purchased the coffin
and mummy of The Princess of Amen-Ra. He arranged for it to
be shipped back to his home, but was not there to receive it.
He disappeared, never to be found. One of his companions on
the trip later died, another lost an arm in an accident and
a third lost his fortune in a bank failure.
The coffin reached England and was purchased
by a businessman. Three members of the businessman's household
were injured in an auto accident and his house caught on fire.
Convinced that the mummy was unlucky, the man donated it to
the British Museum.
The staff at the museum reported hearing loud
banging and crying noises coming from the coffin at night. Things
were thrown around the exhibit room without explanation. Finally
a watchman died. Then a photographer took a photo of the coffin.
When he developed it, the image that appeared was so horrifying
that the photographer killed himself.
The museum wanted to get rid of the unlucky
mummy, but with it's reputation they could not even give it
away. Finally, an American archaeologist, who didn't believe
in the stories, purchased the mummy and coffin and had it sent
back to the states on board the Titanic. The rest was, well,
Other version of this story has the archaeologist
bribing the Titanic crew to have the mummy put into a
life boat and later it winds up in New York City. The mummy
is sold and shipped again and involved in one or two more shipwrecks
before winding up on the bottom of the sea.
Is this a true story? Or just a weird tale?
Shipping records show no mummy was on board the
Titanic (this may be why some versions of the tale say
that the archaeologist smuggled it aboard). In no account by
any Titanic survivor do they mention sharing a lifeboat
with a mummy (which wouldn't have been easy to forget). Nor
did any rescuer report taking a mummy on board.
The tale probably has its origins with two Englishmen
named Douglas Murray and T.W. Stead. Murray and Stead claimed
that an acquaintance of theirs bought a mummy in Egypt and had
it placed in a drawing room in his home. The next morning every
breakable item in the room had been smashed. The next night
the mummy was left in another room with the same results..

loss of life, but no mummy
The pair also visited the British Museum and saw
the coffin lid of Priestess Amun (there wasn't ever a mummy,
only the lid). They decided that the face depicted on it was
a tormented horror. Combining the two stories, that of the breakable
items and the scary lid, the two sold the tale to the newspapers.
The tale later grew to include the Titanic.
The Titanic portion of the story may have been
inspired by the loss of the Menkaure sarcophagus in 1838. The
sarcophagus, which was being shipped from Egypt to England,
was considered to be one of the finest examples of art from
the Old Kingdom period. It went to the bottom of the sea when
the ship carrying it, The Beatrice, sunk in deep water
somewhere near Cartagena.
The truth is that the Priestess Amun coffin lid
(British Museum item No. 22542) is still sitting quietly in
the British Museum's second Egyptian room, where it can be seen

Copyright Lee Krystek, 2000.
All Rights Reserved.