Monsters of North America

Strange things in
the water.
Loch Ness isn't the only lake with a reputation
for a Monster. In North America many large, deep, cold water
lakes have stories about monsters that go back to before the
arrival of Europeans:
"Champ" of Lake Champlain - Lake
Champlain is a large lake that defines much of the border between
the State of Vermont and the State of New York. This body of
water is over a hundred miles long and at times thirteen miles
wide offering excellent cover for a monster. .
The most interesting modern report of Champ was
in 1977 by Sandra Mansi. Using her Kodak Instamatic she snapped
a picture of a long necked creature emerging from the water.
While the photo appears to be authentic the negative was lost
limiting the amount of analysis that can be done.
For more information on this phenomena, check
out our "Champ of Lake Champlain"
"Ogopogo" of Okanagan Lake -
Stories of Ogopogo go back to before white men settled this
section of British Columbia, Canada. The Native Americans called
it "Natiaka" meaning "The Lake Monster."
The current name comes form a song parody written in 1926.
Modern reports of the monster seem to have surged
in the 1920's. One, in November 1926, involved 50 to 60 people
viewing the monster when they'd come to the lake edge for a
baptism ceremony.
In addition to scores of reports, there have
been alleged photos of the monster, but most of them were of
poor quality. No scientific investigation of the monster has
been made. The lake, itself, is very much like Loch Ness. Cold,
deep water (800 feet) some 79 miles long and 2 1/2 miles wide.
"Manipogo" of Lake Manitoba -
The name here is a derivative of the better known "Ogopogo."
As with Ogopogo there were early Native American sightings and
some reports by settlers. Then in 1962 two men in a boat got
a picture. Looking like a snake in the water the picture isn't
clear enough to prove the existence of the monster. The appearance
does match up with other eye-witness reports of the creature:
A long tubular body at least a foot in diameter.
In the early 60's Professor James A. McLeod of
Manitoba University investigated the creature by trying to locate
it's remains. If there is a breeding population in the lake
they should be leaving carcasses and bones when they die. McLeod
found none.
There have been occasional sightings of monsters
at other lakes and rivers in North America including Flathead
Lake, Montana and the White River
in Arkansas. (Some authorities believe the Arkansas sighting
was a lost elephant seal.) A monster
reported in the late 1800's in Silver Lake, New York,
turned out to be a hoax perpetrated by a local hotel owner who
profited from the resulting tourist dollar.

Lee Krystek, 1996-2000.