Science Over the EdgeA Roundup of Strange Science for the MonthApplet credit: Ed Hobbs
December 2004 |
In the News:
What's New at the Museum:
Ask the Curator:
The Chupacabra (which means "goat sucker") is supposedly a creature that lives in parts of Mexico, South America and on some Caribbean Islands. It got its name in Puerto Rico in 1975 when some dead goats were discovered with puncture marks in their necks and their bodies drained of blood. While the authorities credited the animals death's to wild dogs or a panther, others believe it was the work of this mysterious creature. Starting in the 1990's there have been various reports of the creature killing animals across much of Latin American and even a few alleged cases in the southern United States. A small group of people claim to have seen the creature, though their descriptions vary widely. Most reports agree the the creature is bi-petal (walks on two feet) and ranges from three to five feet tall and has big fangs. A rough hair covers the body. Some people also report wings, while others say it hops like a kangaroo. Supposedly a few people have gotten pictures of Chupacabras, but almost all of them have been shown to be frauds. The Chupacabra is sort of the Big Foot of Latin America: Many reports, but no scientific evidence. For a skeptical look at the Chupacabra, check out: For a detailed history of the phenomenon, go to For a tougue-in-cheek look at the creature click on:
In History:
In the Sky:
On the Tube: Currently we are only able to give accurate times and dates for these programs in the United States. Check local listings in other locations.
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