of the strange stone spheres. (Photo by
Carmia licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 Unported license)
The Mysterious
Stone Spheres of Costa Rica
Found deep in the jungles of Costa Rica in the 1930's
were 300 nearly perfectly round stone balls. They varied in size
from a few inches in diameter, to seven feet across and weighing
16 tons. Scientists aren't sure who made them, how old they are
or what purpose they might have had.
In the early 1930's the United Fruit Company started
searching for new space to plant their banana trees because their
plantations on the eastern side of Costa Rica, in South America,
were threatened by disease. On the western side, however, not
too far from the Pacific Ocean they found a promising section
of land in the Diquis Valley.
When they started clearing the land, however, workers
found something strange: stone balls. They ranged in size from
a few inches to six or seven feet in diameter. The most striking
thing about these rock spheres was that many of them appeared
to be perfectly round and very, very smooth. Undoubtedly they
were manmade.
As far as the United Fruit Company was concerned
the strange objects were just in the way of their plantation.
Workers rolled them off to the sides of the fields by hand or
pushed them using bulldozers. Many were eventually transported
to homes or businesses to be used as lawn ornaments. Before authorities
could intervene a rumor that some of the stones contained gold
in their cores caused treasure hunters to drill holes in them,
load them with dynamite and blow them pieces hoping to get rich.
The only thing they found inside the stone spheres, however, was
more stone.
Science of the Stones
The first archeological investigation of the spheres
was done by Doris Stone, a daughter of a United Fruit executive
and later the director of Costa Rica's National Museum. Her observations
were published in 1943 in the magazine American Antiquity. A few
years later in 1948, Samuel Lothrop of the Peabody Museum at Harvard
University, while on an expedition to Costa Rica on an unrelated
matter, ran into Stone who told him about the spheres. Lothrop,
whose expedition was blocked from its original goal by a civil
war, visited the Diquis Valley instead and did an examination
of the rock globes.
While most legitimate archeologists have no doubt
the stones are the work of an ancient indigenous people, wild
stories have grown up about the spheres suggesting that they are
connected with aliens or the lost continent of Atlantis. Skeptics
argue that primitive people with basic, non-metallic tools could
not possibly have made such perfectly round and smooth stones.
However, though many of the stones seem startling
round, most of them are not as perfect in shape as they might
appear to the casual observer. The best measurements were made
by Lothrop in the 1950's, but he was hampered in his observations
by the size of the larger spheres and the difficulty of getting
a tape measure around the spheres still half buried in the ground.
Also not all the balls are perfectly smooth, and many show the
evidence of the tools used to make them.

close up of one of the spheres. (Photo
by Axxis10 licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 Unported license)
a Sphere
Even if the stones are neither perfectly round or
smooth, creating them was still a huge effort. Most of them are
composed of granodiorite, a hard, igneous rock that comes from
outcroping in the foothills of the nearby Talamanca mountains.
Most likely the carvers carefully chose boulders that were somewhat
round in the first place. This type of rock tends to flake off
in layers if there is a rapid temperature change, so the carvers
may have heated sections with hot coals, then doused them with
cold water. After using this method to get the general shape,
the final sculpting was probably done by hammering the stone with
other smaller stones made of the same hard material. Finally the
surface of the spheres were ground and polished to a high luster
using sand or leather. The same process is well known today for
shaping smaller stone objects like stone axes and statues.
The Chorotega Indians are often cited as making
the stone spheres, but they lived further north from where the
balls were found. We don't know exactly who created these globes
of rock, but it seems likely it was the ancestors the people who
lived in the region at the time of the Spanish conquest in the
16th century. They would have spoken the Chibchan languages (Unlike
the Chorotega who spoke Oto-Manguean) and would have lived in
dispersed settlements consisting of less than 2000 people. They
would have made their living by hunting, fishing and farming.
They probably raised such plants as beans, squash, papaya, pineapple,
and avocado.
How old the spheres are is also a question that
is not easily answered. Since rock is not living material it cannot
be dated by using a radiocarbon test. However, it is possible
to date objects found buried around some of the stones. This is
usually pottery. Certain styles of pottery were known to be used
during specific periods. This evidence suggests that the stone
spheres might have been made as early as 200 BC all the way up
to when the Spanish arrived in the 16th century, a range of 1800
years. While this is most likely set of dates, it is possible
that at least in some cases the stones were made earlier, then
moved, or reshaped at a later date which was then associated the
pottery style of that era.
Probably the most difficult question to tackle is
"what were these stones sphere used for?" Given that we have no
written records from the culture that made them, the best way
to figure out their purpose would be to see how they are positioned
in relation to each other and other archeological artifacts like
buildings and walls. However, most of the balls have been moved
from their original sites at this point and there are few, if
any, records about exactly where they were found. There are some
documents suggesting that groups of the spheres were found in
geometric arrangements like lines, triangles and parallelograms.
However, since they are no longer in these positions it is impossible
cannot confirm these accounts or make new measurements These stories,
however, have led to speculation that they might have been used
as compasses, or to make astronomical observations.
Another theory is that the balls were used as status
symbols. According to John Hoopes, of the University of Kansas,
who visited the stones in an effort to have them protected as
a Unesco World Heritage Site, "the making and moving of the balls
was probably an important social activity, perhaps more important
than possession of the finished product…We believe that the balls
may have sat in front of the houses of prominent people, perhaps
as a display of power, of esoteric knowledge, or of control over
labor." There are records indicating that some spheres were found
on the tops of mounds which might validate the idea that they
were to be displayed as symbols of great status.
Ironically, today the balls, some of which now sit
in as diverse locations as the private residences of the wealthy
in Costa Rica to the court yard of Harvard University's Peabody
Museum in Connecticut, may still be doing their original function:
Marking the properties of the rich and powerful.

by Axxis10 licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 Unported license)
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