Winchester Mansion in San Jose, California. (Copyright
Lee Krystek, 2007)
Mysterious Winchester Mansion
This spooky, rambling California mansion remains
a testament to one eccentric, rich woman's unearthly fears.
It stands in the middle of suburban San Jose, California.
You might not even notice it was there as you drive by , unless
someone points it out. Still, this mansion, just across the street
from a strip mall and down a little bit from a movie complex,
is perhaps the strangest home ever built. Some people say it is
haunted. Most certainly the woman who built it was haunted, if
only by her own fears.
The story of this unique dwelling starts in 1839
with the birth of Sarah Pardee in New Haven, Connecticut. Sarah
grew into a charming and striking young woman, though she stood
less than five feet in height. She soon drew the attention of
a young man from New Haven named William Wirt Winchester. Mr.
Winchester's father, Oliver Winchester, was a successful businessman
who, in 1857, bought a company that made repeating rifles. He
changed the name of the business to the Winchester Repeating
Arms Company and redesigned the rifle to make it more effective.
This new version, the "Henry," was capable of firing a shot every
three seconds, a vast improvement over most guns at that time.
The Henry soon became popular with Union troops during the Civil
War and led to huge government contacts for the Winchester Company,
allowing the family to amass an enormous fortune.

door to "nowhere."(Copyright
Lee Krystek, 2007)
In 1862, Sarah married William, who soon became
the heir to this vast fortune. Good times did not last for Mrs.
Winchester, however. In 1866 she had her first and only child,
a girl named Annie. The child contracted "marasmus" and died in
less than 10 days. The event drove Mrs. Winchester to the edge
of insanity. She eventually recovered, but a little more than
10 years later, in 1881, tragedy struck again when William died
of tuberculosis. With his death Mrs. Winchester inherited over
$20 million, a vast fortune for that time.
The story goes that Mrs. Winchester, inconsolable
over her losses, was directed by a friend to a psychic medium
for advice. This medium told her that the Winchester family was
under a curse: the ghosts of all those thousands of men felled
by Winchester arms now wanted revenge. They had killed her daughter
and her husband and they would soon kill her.
According to the story, the medium urged Mrs. Winchester
to move west. That she did, 1884, settling in the area of San
Jose, California, supposedly guided by her dead husband. The change
of location might well have as much to do with her health as with
any ghost, however. Mrs. Winchester suffered from advanced arthritis
and the area's Mediterranean-like climate was thought to ease
the pain of aching joints.

shot from the tower showing the many skylights and roofs.(Copyright
Lee Krystek, 2007)
In any case, Mrs. Winchester soon found a house
still under construction that she liked and bought it along with
162 acres of surrounding land. Apparently one of the conditions
set upon her by the medium in order to appease the spirits was
that she must continue the construction of the house, never stopping.
For the next 36 years Sarah Winchester kept a staff of 22 craftsmen
busy 24 hours a day, seven days a week, building, altering and
rebuilding the house. There was no master plan, but each morning
Sarah would meet with her foreman and show him her sketches for
that day's work. Rooms were added to rooms which soon grew into
whole wings. Eventually the mansion reached a height of seven
stories and had three elevators and 47 fireplaces.
The building was, to say the least, odd. Stairs
disappeared into ceilings, doors opened out into thin air from
upper stories, skylights were placed in the floors of upper
rooms, closets opened into solid walls, stairposts were installed
upside-down and chimneys stopped short of the roof. It is unclear
exactly what Mrs. Winchester was trying to accomplish in her
design. Was she trying to appease the spirits, fool them, or
trap them?
Mrs. Winchester seemed to have a flair for design.
She was also intrigued with the number 13 and repeated it throughout
the house. Many of the windows had thirteen panes. An imported
chandelier was altered to carry thirteen candles. The greenhouse
had 13 copulas. All the stairways, except one, had thirteen steps.

house remains open for tours.(Copyright
Lee Krystek, 2007)
Despite the size of the house, Mrs. Winchester
lived in the mansion alone for most of her years with only servants
for company. Perhaps her only release from this self-enforced
solitude was playing the piano, which could often be heard by
those passing by outside.
Mrs. Winchester's building program met with disaster,
however, on April 18, 1906. On that day a major earthquake struck
the region. The upper part of the house collapsed, never to
be rebuilt. Mrs. Winchester was trapped in her bedroom when
the chimney fell and had to be rescued. Soon after, however,
workmen cleared away the rubble and construction started again.
Thirty rooms at the front of the house, however, were walled
off and would never be completed.
For the next sixteen years rooms were added one
after another. Then on September 5, 1922, Sarah Winchester died
in her sleep at the age of 83. The furnishings were removed and
the mansion was sold to a group of investors who opened it as
a tourist attraction which it remains so today. Because there
was no master plan, nobody is really sure how many rooms are in
the building. Each new count seems to come up with a different
number. It is estimated, however, that there are around 160 rooms.
The estate has been designated a California Historical Landmark
and the city has grown up around it. All but 4½ of its original
162 acres has been sold off to feed the expansion of the city.

rear of the mansion as seen from the gardens.(Copyright
Lee Krystek, 2007)
Is the mansion haunted? Sarah Winchester was convinced
it was, and conducted regular séances to keep in touch with the
spirits. Staff members at the mansion have reported seeing strange
things: Door knobs that move by themselves, cold spots where they
shouldn't be, windows that bang closed so hard they shatter…
The house remains perhaps the most well -known example
of a "haunted" house in United States. Stephen King's mini-series
Rose Red (about a haunted mansion that builds itself) was
inspired by the Winchester Mansion. Steven Speilberg, who produced
the show, briefly considered using the actual Winchester mansion
as a location, but there wasn't enough room there to accommodate
filming. Much of the exterior shots for Rose Red were instead
filmed at Thornewood Castle near Tacoma, Washington.
The Winchester House, whether it is haunted or
not, remains an important landmark of San Jose. There it sits
today, amid suburbia, a sprawling giant, that is a memorial to
one eccentric woman's unearthly fears and visions.
Lee Krystek 2007. All Rights Reserved.