Museum Attic

Copyright Lee Krystek,
most great institutions the museum has a few items in its collections
that just don't seem to fit within any existing catogory of
exhibits. Climb up to the attic and see what interesting items
you can find.
The Bermuda Triangle-
Is one of the most mysterious places in the world really a mystery?
Teacher Resource
Page - Some item designed to help teachers use our site
in their classrooms.
The Process of How
to Build an Atomic Bomb - With a few parts from a hardware
store and some know-how, it is possible to build a weapon of
mass destruction. Well, as long as you can find a few of pounds
of plutonium on Ebay to fuel it...
and Triumph of Nazi Germany - Could
the War have ended with Axis powers ruling most of the world
and America cowering on the other side of the globe?
The Legend of the
Lambton Worm - Worms were not always the little squiggly
things we know today.
Benedict Arnold - Father
of our Country? Part 1, Part2
- His name is synonymous with the word traitor, yet, if things
had gone a little differently, could this infinitely complex
man been the hero of the American Revolution?
The Witches of Salem
- The word spread quickly through the tiny community of Salem
Village: "There are witches among us."
The Great
Texas Train Crash at Crush
- It was to be a spectacular 19th publicity
stunt with a carefree carnival mood. It ended in explosions,
flying metal and death.
Ships -
They come sailing through the night into sailors'
nightmares. Some are legend, some are illusion, but a few of
these "ghost" ships are for real.
Visions of Thomas Nast -
At the beginning of the 19th century Santa Claus found himself
in a quandry. What should he wear? Perhaps he should emphasize
his title of St. Nicholas and appear as a stern bishop wearing
robes? Or maybe go the other way and be seen as a clowning elf
with a frock coat and pantaloons? It was at this point that
Thomas Nast, premire American political cartoonist of the 1800's,
stepped in and gave Santa the well-needed makeover that he still
carries with him even today...
AKA Santa
Claus -
Every December 25th millions of people are visited
by a short, fat guy in a red suit. Where did he come from, why
does he do it, and how does he accomplish this seemingly impossible
Christmas Becomes
Electric - Today one can hardly find a street in North
America during the month of December where the majority of houses
are not lit up with a dazzling display of hundreds or even thousands
of tiny electric lights. Where did these traditions come from
and when did Christmas become electric?
- We think of them as romantic symbols
of a past full of Kings, Queens, Knights and Nobles. In reality,
though, they were the latest in military hardware. See what
castles were really all about.
Plants - Long a feature in ghost stories around the campfire
and sci-fi thrillers in the theater, does the infamous Man-eating
Plant actual exists?
of Alligators in the Sewers of NYC
- Do these dangerous reptiles actually live
in the underground tunnels below one of the world's largest