Wordsmith Michael Crichton

Michael Crichton died at age 66 on November 4th, 2008.
Eclipsed by the excitement of the past presidential
election was the unexpected death of Michael Crichton: best-selling
author, filmmaker and science fiction visionary.
(12/08) There are two books I can still remember
buying at my grade school book fair: The first, The Mad
Scientists Club, I wrote about almost a year ago as part of
a review of the life of Bertrand R. Brinley.
At the time I couldn't have foreseen I'd soon be writing about
the author of the second book, Michael Crichton. Unfortunately,
he died November 4th at the age of 66, a victim of cancer.
The novel I saw at that fair was The Andromeda
Strain. This was the first book by Crichton under his own
name. I often wonder how this rather mature book came to be sitting
on the table at a grade school book fair, but no matter, as it
quickly found its way into my twelve-year-old hands. I'd never
read a book like it before. In this tale of a virulent, alien
virus released on earth, Crichton so skillfully wove science fact
and science fiction together that it was hard to know where one
ended and the other began. The book was not only an action-packed
adventure story but a painless course in biology. I didn't know
it at the time - and perhaps neither did Crichton - but he had
written the first techno-thriller.
The story starts when a military satellite designed
to collect organisms from near space comes down in a small western
town. A plague erupts there, killing the entire population except
an alcoholic old man and a crying baby. A small group of scientists
working in a secret underground lab must then race against time
to find out what these two survivors have in common. This might
be the information they need to enable them to stop the virus
before it wipes out the entire human race.
as an Author
The book follows what turned out to be a favorite
Crichton formula: a small group of people trapped in a closed
location race against a deadline to avoid disaster. Almost every
Crichton science-fiction piece follows this framework, each one
acting as a cautionary tale about some technological development.
In each story Crichton envisions the worst-case scenario should
the technology be misused. Along the way you get a lot of thrills
and an engaging education about that particular discipline of

original, almost 40-year-old dog-eared copy of The
Andromeda Strain from the elementary school book fair.
Consider what probably is his most well-known work:
Jurassic Park. A rich eccentric has scientists clone dinosaurs
from preserved DNA to populate a theme park on an isolated island
off South America. When three scientists visit the park to investigate
its safety, they find themselves scrambling for survival, trapped
on the island when the park's security systems fail and the dinosaurs
start dining on the guests. The novel not only gives you some
basics on dinosaurs, cloning and DNA, but an explanation of Chaos
Jurassic Park, of course, wasn't just a
blockbuster book, but a blockbuster movie as well. Not even just
a single movie but a franchise that so far has birthed three films
and a "land" at the Universal Islands of Adventure Theme Park.
Crichton was one of the few novelists I can think of who has had
almost all of his books turned into movies. The list of films
include The Andromeda Strain, The Terminal Man, Rising Sun,
Jurassic Park, Disclosure, Congo, The Lost World: Jurassic Park,
Sphere, The Great Train Robbery, The Thirteenth Warrior (from
the book Eaters of the Dead), Timeline, Pursuit
(from the novel Binary) and The Carey Treatment
(from the book A Case of Need). Of the fifteen fiction
books written under his name, only four have not been adapted
for the screen. This may change as his last published book, Next,
has been optioned by Hollywood.
as a Filmmaker
Of course, Crichton did not always need a book in
order to get something into a movie theater. His first attempt
at going directly to the silver screen was Westworld. Crichton,
working as a director, also wrote the script. His companion book,
which tells about his experience in making the film, is a wonderful
insight into the Hollywood movie machine from an outsider's point
of view. The movie itself is classic Crichton with a couple of
guys visiting an adult-only theme park based on the Old West.
The guests engage the residents of the town, human-looking robots,
in such Old West traditions as the bordello, the bar fight and
the shoot-out. The guests, of course, always win and the maimed
robots are taken underground each night for repair. The robots,
however, get so smart that they start to resent losing all the
time and stage a rebellion. The movie reaches its climax as one
guest (played by Richard Benjamin) is chased by robot gunslinger
(Yul Brynner) only escaping with his life after he manages to
outsmart the malevolent machine.
The film was successful enough to spawn a sequel
and a short-lived TV series, though Crichton had little to do
with either. Crichton went on to be involved in a number of other
films as either a writer, director or producer (or sometimes combinations
of any of the above). He co-wrote the script for 1996's tale of
storm-chasing scientists, Twister, wrote the screenplay
and directed the medical murder mystery Coma in 1978 and
wrote and directed Runaway, the tale of robots programmed
for murder in 1984.

brought back to life by cloning get out of control in Jurassic
Park. Crichton wrote the book and contributed to the
One of his less successful screen efforts was 1981's
Looker. Crichton wrote and directed Looker, starring
Susan Dey and Albert Finney, is the story of a Beverly Hills plastic
surgeon who finds his supermodel clients are being murdered after
their bodies have been scanned into a computer for use by an advertising
firm. While the film didn't do that well at the box office, it
is notable because it is one of the first venues to show how CGI
(Computer Graphic Imagery) would eventually be used in the production
of movies and television.
as a Doctor
One thing I've always liked about Crichton's books
is that the main characters are almost always scientists, doctors
or engineers. While some of these characters are shortsighted
and stubborn, others are thoughtful and heroic. A paleontologist
in Jurassic Park, a primatologist in Congo, a surgeon
in The Andromeda Strain, and a software engineer in Prey,
each save the day in their respective novels. Too many authors
treat characters in the technical fields as weirdoes or mad scientists.
While Crichton was never known for excessive character development,
at least he didn't stereotype these people like so many other
writers do.
Perhaps his sympathy for these characters was because
Crichton himself was trained as a scientist/medical doctor. He
was always interested in writing and entered Harvard as an English
major, but when his professor (who I doubt has 150 million books
in print, which Crichton did at the time of his death) criticized
his writing style he switched his major to anthropology. He later
attended medical school because he was skeptical of his ability
to make a living as a wordsmith, though he paid his tuition bills
by cranking out novels under an assumed name. By the time he was
a full-fledged doctor, he had found that "the writing became more
interesting to me than the medicine" and became a full-time author.
His medical experiences, however, did lead him to
create the medical series ER. The show, which first aired
in 1993 and will, when it ends in February 2009, have run 15 seasons,
is TV's longest running prime-time medical drama. Initially, the
show was to have been a movie filmed by Steven Spielberg, but
during pre-production the director asked Crichton about what else
he was working on and was told about something with "DNA and dinosaurs."
When he heard this, Spielberg decided to drop the medical drama
and make Jurassic Park instead.
as a Historian
Not all of Crichton's books are scientific, medical
or technical tales, however. The Great Train Robbery takes
the readers back into the 19th century and gives them a good view
of what life was like in London at the time of the actual robbery
of £12,000 in gold coin and ingots from a British passenger train
in 1855. Eaters of the Dead (beyond having the coolest
title of any of Crichton's novels) is the retelling of the classic
tale of Beowulf. Using one of Crichton's favorite mechanisms,
the false document, the book purports to be a record made by a
10th-century Muslim who travels with the Vikings to fight off
an invasion of monsters. It is one of my favorite Crichton reads.
The occasional monster in his books, whether in
the form of a renegade robot or a swarm of malevolent nano-particles,
has caused some people to suggest that Crichton was anti-science,
but nothing could be further from the truth. Crichton was only
anti-bad science or frivolous science. He argued that using powerful
technology - like cloning - to do something like reproducing one's
diseased pet was a bad idea. I suspect his books (and movies he
also contributed to) have actually inspired many would-be scientists
to go into their respective fields.
as a Pariah
His stance on science sometimes got him into trouble
as in the case of his 2004 novel State of Fear. State
of Fear describes a plot by an out-of-control environmental
organization to sway public opinion by creating a series of ecological
disasters. The book is implicitly critical of people that treat
environmentalism like a religion or use what Crichton called "consensus
science," (basing conclusions on what a group of people think
about a subject rather what the hard data actually says). Throughout
the novel Crichton suggests that concerns about global warming
are unnecessarily putting people into a panic and compares it
to previous scares from the past that have proven false or exaggerated
like the population explosion (1960's), a new ice age (1970's),
and Y2K (1990's).

novel, State of Fear, which questioned global warming,
got Crichton a lot of flak from some environmentalists.
This position, as you might expect, drew a lot of
flak from people concerned about melting ice packs and rising
sea levels. To be fair to Crichton, he never said that global
warming was not real or that human activity had not contributed
to it. What he argued was that our level of response was too high
given the actual data available (he was particularly cynical of
predictions based on computer models). It should be interesting
to revisit this subject in twenty years to see if global warming
goes the way of those past concerns that Crichton cited or if
it is a unique crisis in our history. Unfortunately, if Mr. Crichton
is right, he will not be around to say to us "I told you so."
For the past ten years or so my wife has always
asked me what book I would like for Christmas. Invariably my answer
has been "whatever Crichton has just published." Even though I
understand that there is one novel to be released posthumously,
I feel sad that I will be unable to look forward to more of his
work. In the 19th century, where Crichton's The Great Train
Robbery was set, 66 years of age was probably well beyond
the average life expectancy. These days, however, we might have
expected Mr. Crichton to be with us another dozen years or more.
I wonder how many books he could have created in that time. I
wonder what adventures I, and millions of his fans, will miss
because of his untimely demise. As an author, visionary, and a
human being, he is irreplaceable and will be sorely missed.
Copyright 2008 Lee Krystek.
All Rights Reserved.