
Predator paradise - The giant predatory dinosaur Carcharodontosaurus
eyes a group of Elosuchus - crocodile-like hunters
- near a carcass. Artwork by Davide Bonadonna
Over the Edge
Roundup of Strange Science for the Month
In the
Paleontologists Reveal 'The Most Dangerous Place In The
History Of Planet Earth' - 100 million years ago, ferocious
predators, including flying reptiles and crocodile-like
hunters, made the Sahara the most dangerous place on Earth.
This is according to an international team of scientists,
who have published the biggest review in almost 100 years
of fossil vertebrates from an area of Cretaceous rock formations
in south-eastern Morocco, known as the Kem Kem Group. The
review, published in the journal ZooKeys, "provides a window
into Africa's Age of Dinosaurs" according to lead author
Dr Nizar Ibrahim, an Assistant Professor of Biology at the
University of Detroit Mercy and Visiting Researcher from
the University of Portsmouth. About 100 million years ago,
the area was home to a vast river system, filled with many
different species of aquatic and terrestrial animals. Fossils
from the Kem Kem Group include three of the largest predatory
dinosaurs ever known, including the sabre-toothed Carcharodontosaurus
(over 8m in length with enormous jaws and long, serrated
teeth up to eight inches long) and Deltadromeus (around
8m in length, a member of the raptor family with long, unusually
slender hind limbs for its size), as well as several predatory
flying reptiles (pterosaurs) and crocodile-like hunters.
Dr Ibrahim said: "This was arguably the most dangerous place
in the history of planet Earth, a place where a human time-traveller
would not last very long." Many of the predators were relying
on an abundant supply of fish, according to co-author Professor
David Martill from the University of Portsmouth. He said:
"This place was filled with absolutely enormous fish, including
giant coelacanths and lungfish. The coelacanth, for example,
is probably four or even five times large than today's coelacanth.
There is an enormous freshwater saw shark called Onchopristis
with the most fearsome of rostral teeth, they are like barbed
daggers, but beautifully shiny."
Heart Extractions In Ancient Mesoamerica - Sacrificial
rituals featuring human heart extraction were a prevalent
religious practice throughout ancient Mesoamerican societies.
Intended as a means of appeasing and honoring certain deities,
sacrifices served as acts of power and intimidation as well
as demonstrations of devotion and gratitude. Human sacrifices
were highly structured, complex rituals performed by elite
members of society, and the ceremonies included a myriad
of procedures imbued with symbolic significance. In the
study, "Open Chests and Broken Hearts: Ritual Sequences
and Meanings of Human Heart Sacrifice in Mesoamerica," published
in Current Anthropology, Tiesler and Olivier conduct an
anatomical analysis of skeletal evidence and compare it
with systematically checked historical sources and over
200 instances of ceremonial heart extraction in codices.
Focusing on the location of openings created in the chest
to allow for the removal of a victim's heart and blood,
the authors examine the resulting fractures and marks in
articulated skeletons to infer about the nature of the entry
wound and the potential instrumentation used. The breadth
of source material and the multitude of disciplinary approaches
has led to debate among scholars. While the archaeological
record provides evidence of these ceremonies, less tangible
elements of the rituals--such as the symbolism of these
processes--may be harder to discern. Descriptions of human
sacrifice and heart extraction can likewise be found in
written witness testimonies and in Mesoamerican iconography.
However, witness accounts were often inconsistent, especially
concerning the position of the extraction site. Utilizing
forensic data in conjunction with an analysis of ethnohistorical
accounts, the authors detail three distinct heart extraction
methods: cutting directly under the ribs (subdiaphragmatic
thoracotomy); making an incision between two ribs (intercostal
thoracotomy); or by horizontally severing the sternum in
order to access the heart (transverse bilateral thoracotomy).
While previous research indicates subdiaphragmatic thoracotomy
was a common practice, Tiesler and Olivier expand upon the
existing literature by providing reconstructions of intercostal
thoracotomy and transverse bilateral thoracotomy.
Teenage Shark From The Dinosaur-Era - In 1996, palaeontologists
found skeletal remains of a giant shark at the northern
coast of Spain, near the city Santander. Here, the coast
comprises meter high limestone walls that were deposited
during the Cretaceous period, around 85 million years ago,
when dinosaurs still roamed the world. Scientists from the
University of Vienna examined this material now and were
able to assign the remains to the extinct shark family,
Ptychodontidae, a group that was very specious and successful
in the Cretaceous but suddenly vanished mysteriously before
the infamous end-Cretaceous extinction event. Shark vertebrae
bear important information about a species' life history,
such as size, growth and age, which are saved as growth
rings inside the vertebra, like in the stem of trees. Statistical
methods and the comparison with extant species, allowed
the scientists to decode these data and reconstruct the
ecology of this enigmatic shark group. "Based on the model,
we calculated a size of 4-7m and an age of 30 years for
the examined shark. Astonishing about this data is the fact
that this shark was not yet mature when it died despite
its rather old age." states Patrick L. Jambura, lead author
of the study. Sharks follow an asymptotic growth curve,
meaning that they grow constantly until maturation and after
that, the growth curve flattens resulting from a reduced
growth rate. "However, this shark doesn't show any signs
of flattenings or inflections in the growth profile, meaning
that it was not mature, a teenager if you want. This suggests
that these sharks even grew much larger (and older)!" The
study suggests that ptychodontid sharks grew very slow,
matured very late, but also showed high longevity and reached
enormous body sizes. "This might have been a main contributor
to their success, but also, eventually, demise."
Signs For Perseverance Rover In Its Quest For Past Martian
Life - New research indicates river delta deposits within
Mars' Jezero crater - the destination of NASA' Perseverance
rover on the Red Planet - formed over time scales that promoted
habitability and enhanced preservation of evidence. Undulating
streaks of land visible from space reveal rivers once coursed
across the Martian surface - but for how long did the water
flow? Enough time to record evidence of ancient life, according
to a new Stanford study. Scientists have speculated that
the Jezero crater on Mars - the site of the next NASA rover
mission to the Red Planet - could be a good place to look
for markers of life. A new analysis of satellite imagery
supports that hypothesis. By modeling the length of time
it took to form the layers of sediment in a delta deposited
by an ancient river as it poured into the crater, researchers
have concluded that if life once existed near the Martian
surface, traces of it could have been captured within the
delta layers. "There probably was water for a significant
duration on Mars and that environment was most certainly
habitable, even if it may have been arid," according to
lead author Mathieu Lapôtre, an assistant professor of geological
sciences at Stanford's School of Earth, Energy & Environmental
Sciences (Stanford Earth). "We showed that sediments were
deposited rapidly and that if there were organics, they
would have been buried rapidly, which means that they would
likely have been preserved and protected." Jezero crater
was selected for NASA's next rover mission partly because
the site contains a river delta, which on Earth are known
to effectively preserve organic molecules associated with
life. But without an understanding of the rates and durations
of delta-building events, the analogy remained speculative.
The new research, published online on April 23 in AGU Advances,
offers guidance for sample recovery in order to better understand
the ancient Martian climate and duration of the delta formation
for NASA's Perseverance Rover to Mars, which is expected
to launch in July 2020 as part of the first Mars sample
return mission.
Quote of the Month - "To
me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor
or distinction than that connected with the advances of
science." - Isaac Newton
New at the Museum:
is the Father of Television? - Ever hear of Vladimir
K. Zworykin? How about John Logie Baird? Or maybe you know
the name of Paul Nipkow? If not, how about Charles Francis
Jenkins? No? Well surely you have heard of Philo T. Farnsworth!
Who are these people? They all have a claim to the title
of "The Father of Television." Which one, if any, is the
rightful owner to that moniker, however? >Full
Picture of the Month - What
is this?
the Curator:
Too Heavy for the Earth? - This may be a very
stupid question, but I have been curious about this
for a long time. When the earth was first formed,
there were no people inhabiting the earth. Now there
are over 6 1/2 billion people on the earth (along
with all the animals now roaming the earth). I realize
living things consume the resources of earth but why
has not the weight of 6 1/2 billion people affected
the orbit or tilt of the earth? It is an incredible
amount of weight on earth that was not there before.
- Diane
are a few reasons why this weight does not affect
earth's orbit. If we take the average weight of a
human being as 150lbs and multiply it by 6.5 billion,
then converte it to kilograms by dividing by 2.2,
we get an approximate mass for all the human life
on our planet as 443.19 billion kilograms (this is
probably an over-estimate as the much of the world's
population are children which would lower the average
weight). This seems like a large number until you
compare it with the mass of the earth, however, which
is 6,000,000,000,000,000 billion kilograms. We are
only a tiny, tiny fraction of the planet's total mass.
estimates of the planet's total biomass (all plants
and animals) are hard to come by, but one often cited
figure is 69,181 billion kilograms. Still only a tiny
fraction of earth's total mass.
Even if people did represent a large percentage of
the earth's weight our growth in numbers on the planet
would not represent a change in the planets total
mass. Why? Because all that we are was once part of
the earth. For example 80% percent of our bodies are
water. The water was here before people were on the
earth; it was just located in the lakes, rivers and
oceans of our planet. As a human body grows it takes
on this water that was already on the planet. The
water is shifted from sitting on the surface of the
earth to inside your body, but the mass does not change.
This is the same for all the other materials in your
body and for all life.
only way to significantly increase the weight of our
planet would be for it to be hit by a large object
(by large I mean planet-sized). If such a collision
occurred, however, the impact would probably wipe
out all life on the planet and any modifications to
the orbit would be a moot point as far as human beings
were concerned.
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First American Spaceflight - On May 5th of 1961, America
launched it's first astronaut in space: Alan Bartlett Shepherd,
Jr. He made a 15 minute sub-orbital flight reaching an altitude
of 115 miles. The 2,000-lb. Freedom 7 capsule he piloted
was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, riding the top
of a Mercury-Redstone 3 rocket. During the flight, while
he travelled a distance of 302 miles at ground speed of
4,500 mph, he experienced five minutes of weightlessness.
While Shepard got the title of the "first American in space,"
he was second human in the world to leave the planet as
Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut, had taken a rocket ride
into orbit a few weeks before on April 12th.
the Sky:
Meteor Shower! - If you missing the Lyrid Meteor Shower
last month, you have a change again this month with the
n-Lyrid shower, also associated with the Lyrid constellation.
May 8th will be the peak of the n-Lyrid meteor shower, though
you will be able to see shooting stars in the sky staring
around May 3rd and running through the 14th. The radiant
point (the place the meteors seem to be coming from in the
sky - is in the constellation Lyra) so look for them whenever
Lyra is above the horizon. It is likely that the best viewing
will occur just before dawn. The object responsible for
creating the Lyrid shower has been identified as comet C/1983
H1, otherwise known as Araki-Alcock.
Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary With A Tapestry Of Blazing
Starbirth - On 24 April 1990 the Hubble Space Telescope
was launched aboard the space shuttle Discovery, along with
a five-astronaut crew. Deployed into low-Earth orbit a day
later, the telescope has since opened a new eye onto the
cosmos that has been transformative for our civilization.
Each year, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope dedicates
a small portion of its precious observing time to taking
a special anniversary image, showcasing particularly beautiful
and meaningful objects. These images continue to challenge
scientists with exciting new surprises and to fascinate
the public with ever more evocative observations. This year,
Hubble is celebrating this new milestone with a portrait
of two colourful nebulae that reveals how energetic, massive
stars sculpt their homes of gas and dust. Although NGC 2014
and NGC 2020 appear to be separate in this visible-light
image, they are actually part of one giant star formation
complex. The star-forming regions seen here are dominated
by the glow of stars at least 10 times more massive than
our Sun. These stars have short lives of only a few million
years, compared to the 10-billion-year lifetime of our Sun.
The sparkling centerpiece of NGC 2014 is a grouping of bright,
hefty stars near the centre of the image that has blown
away its cocoon of hydrogen gas (coloured red) and dust
in which it was born. A torrent of ultraviolet radiation
from the star cluster is illuminating the landscape around
it. These massive stars also unleash fierce winds that are
eroding the gas cloud above and to the right of them. The
gas in these areas is less dense, making it easier for the
stellar winds to blast through them, creating bubble-like
structures reminiscent of brain coral, that have earned
the nebula the nickname the "Brain Coral."

and Meep are on a well deserved vacation. In their place
we feature highlights from their past adventures.
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