The Hall
of Troubled and Alternate History

Step into the museum's
sub-basement where our researchers have constructed a time machine
to allow you to explore mans' sordid past.
Anzio Annie: The
Gun that Held 50,000 Men Hostage - This gigantic Nazi
cannon terrorized American soldiers in 1944 for three months as
they were penned in on a small Italian beach head.
of the Talking Nazi Dogs
- Were the Nazis, as some accounts claim, really building
an army of intelligent, talking dogs to defend the Third Reich?
Where did this story come from and how much of it is actually
The Real Dracula:
Vlad the Impaler - One of the most influential books in
the horror genre is Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula. The Vampire
Count may be a fictional character, but he is based of a very
real, and terrifying, human being.
Hitler's Super
Tank - Hitler was in love with
big, technological weapons. One planned weapon that didn't make
it into action, however, was the Landkreuzer P-1000 "Ratte." A
true rolling fortress it was far heavier and more powerful than
any other tank considered by any other country before, during
or after the war. If this super tank had been built, how might
it have affected the conflict?
Archimedes and the
Burning Mirror - Probably no ancient tale has raised as
much controversy as the story of the Greek inventor Archimedes
using a giant mirror, or set of mirrors, to set fire to Roman
ships. Did it actually happen?
Oil and
Triumph of Nazi Germany - Could
the War have ended with Axis powers ruling most of the world and
America cowering on the other side of the globe?
Benedict Arnold - Father
of our Country? Part 1, Part2
- His name is synonymous with the word traitor, yet, if things
had gone a little differently, could this infinitely complex man
been the hero of the American Revolution?
The Witches of Salem
- The word spread quickly through the tiny community of Salem
Village: "There are witches among us."
The Great
Texas Train Crash at Crush
- It was to be a spectacular 19th publicity stunt
with a carefree carnival mood. It ended in explosions, flying
metal and death.
The Mystery
of the Hindenburg Disaster - It was the biggest thing that
ever flew. Was its fiery end the result of an accident or sabotage?
Nazi Atomic Bomb - How
Close Did Hitler Come to Unleashing the Power of the Atom?
Hitler Targets New York
City - Hitler wanted nothing more than to avenge
the American bombing of German cities with Nazi attacks on the
American homeland cites, like New York. He failed, but how close
did he come?
Nazi Flying Saucers
- Hitler and the Third Reich led Europe into a decade of terror
that culminated in World War II. The Germans developed an amazing
array of secret weapons in a short time. Were flying discs part
of the Luftwaffe arsenal? And if so, was this secret looted and
used by the Allied victors after the war?
The Hitler Diaries
- It would have been one of the greatest historical buys of
the 20th century: Sixty-two handwritten volumes of a secret diary
kept by Adolf Hitler. Der Stern Magazine thought they had the
exclusive rights into one of the darkest minds of all time. Instead,
they paid millions of dollars for a hoax.
Hoax Journalism
- They scream at you from the magazine racks near the checkout
counter with improbable headlines like Aliens Stole My
Dog! Most people ignore them, or laugh at them. As strange
as it seems, however, these tabloids go back to long standing-tradition
in American culture involving authors as noteworthy as Benjamin
Franklin, Mark Twain and Edgar Allen Poe.
Hollow Earth - We
know the world is round, but is it hollow?
The Lybarinth at Knossos
- Is the legend of an unending maze occupied by a terrible
beast true?
The Cottingley
Fairies - How did two schoolgirls in 1917 hoax Arthur Conan
The Philadelphia
Experiment - Did a WWII scientific military research project
go wrong with horrible results?
Codes in the
Bible - Do secret codes exist in the Bible that can predict
the future?
Tombstones - Was there once a fleet of concrete ships?
Earhart's Last Flight - The record breaking
American aviator disappears in the Pacific without a trace.
Myth Museum - Dedicated to the historic, educational and
cultural contribution of Myth, through the study of its modern
expression, in our society.
Afflicted Girls - Suzy Witten's site discussing the the
Salem Witch Trials through the device of a historical novel.
Copyright Lee Krystek,
2008. All Rights Reserved.